Jade Lizzie

Sharing the yoga love

On My Californian Hot Yoga Experience…

Hot Yoga StudioDisclaimer: I wrote this straight after a hot yoga class, with the intention of turning it into a more polished article, then decided that it would be more honest to publish it unedited… If you are offended by swearing, you should probably stop reading now. I can only blame the heat šŸ˜‰

Soā€¦ are there any ā€œnormalā€ yoga classes here? No? Hot yoga it is then.

The studio seems to have been designed in homage to an early nineties Eastern European dance club. Itā€™s all disco lights and concrete.

Still at least the lights arenā€™t actually changing colour.

Oh no wait. They are.

It seems the teacher was joking when she said the studio isnā€™t that hot. Itā€™s hot as fuck. Iā€™ve still not got to grips with the Californian sense of humour.

Shit, Iā€™ve put my mat down at the back only to discover that the back is the front. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. I need to move.

Itā€™s far too late to move. The class is filling up and the teacher has already spotted me and given me a donā€™t-even-think-about-moving-now-I-have-you-in-my-sights toothy All-American grin. Ā Better brave this one out.

Letā€™s be nonchalant. I can just do a few cat-cows, a little plank. Pretend that I do yoga in the fires of hell every day.

On second thoughts, moving is bad. Need to stop moving. Move as little as possible. Itā€™s so goddamned hot. How long would it take me to get to the door from here? It looks locked. Is it locked?

No one panic. I think Iā€™m panicking. Is this what a panic attack feels like?

Calm, be calm. Focus on your breathing. This is what yoga is all about.

This is not what yoga is all about. Ā 

Iā€™m dizzy. Itā€™s so hot. Does everyone in here have breast implants? I think they might.

Oh no wait, thereā€™s a guy over there. He just caught my eye and smiled. Iā€™m getting flat chest solidarity vibes from him. Thatā€™s nice.

Ok time to start. The teacher just told us that the first rule is that you arenā€™t allowed to leave. Iā€™m pretty sure this time she wasnā€™t joking. Even Fight Club didnā€™t have that rule. I think Iā€™d rather be in Fight Club right now.

Hot Yoga Selfie

The teacher just reminded us to leave our egos outside. Itā€™s safe to say my ego left the moment it saw the wall-to-wall mirrors in here. There is no part of my body I canā€™t see.

I never knew my belly looked like that from the side. Weird.

Ok, focus, stop staring at the mirrors. Focus on the teacher. What the hell are we meant to be doing? She has her back to us and is talking to the mirror. Has she forgotten weā€™re here? Maybe I can sneak away now…

No, she hasnā€™t. I just got told off for looking at her. It seems weā€™re meant to be staring at ourselves in the mirror. Ego-less, remember?

She just told us to engage our cores ā€œbecause itā€™s summer.ā€ Would you not engage your core in winter? FFS.

Itā€™s ok though, because weā€™re only in competition with ourselves. Iā€™m not even paraphrasing now.

This is the strangest mixture of vanity, masochism and self-hatred Iā€™ve ever come across.

People pay for this.

People are weird.

She keeps counting down. Just two more flows, then weā€™re done. Just one more pose in this sequence. Go to your edge, then hold it for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Weā€™ve had more false finishes than my nerves can bear.

So. Much. Sweat. There are puddles of water around my mat. Everywhere I touch turns to sweat. I didnā€™t know there was so much water in my body.

The woman next to me doesnā€™t seem to be sweating at all.

She is mostly lying down though. I donā€™t blame her.

She looks very still. I hope sheā€™s breathing.

Iā€™d do anything for a cold beer right now.

Or a gin and tonic.

A pint of gin and tonic.

With ice.

Mmmm ice.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s anyone in the world I would not marry if they brought me a pint of iced gin and tonic.

Maybe Trump. I probably wouldnā€™t marry Trump.

Actually I probably would.

I really do want a gin and tonic.

I am never going to hot yoga again.

I think itā€™s close to the end.

No one seems to be doing anything anymore. Theyā€™re mostly wiping themselves with towels and wincing in the mirrors.

Oh no, 3 more poses.Motivational poster on the wall

2 more.

Final pose.

If we want to do anything else we can.

I think Iā€™m good.


Thank fuck for that.

She just told us that our future selves will thank us for this. I doubt that very much.



Five Forrest Yoga Changes I Love


How Injury Transformed My Yoga Practice


  1. Suzie C

    Haha, felt every drop of sweat you shed as I read that. Became thirsty. Subconsciously checked the fridge door for prossecco supplies.
    Soo glad I only do nottingham hot pod! Xxx

    • Jade Lizzie

      Haha, a wise choice! Never never again for me – I spent the rest of the day recovering by the fridge šŸ˜‰ x

  2. Helen Stewart-Cox

    Oh mate… Scarilarious! ??? Thanks for posting this so no one else has to suffer like you did! ā¤ļø

  3. Ian Coleman

    And that…is why we want you back in Nottingham!

    Missing your lovely teaching, Miss Jade…

  4. lucy ackroyd

    All my prejudice against hot yoga confirmed! How they are allowed to call it yoga mystifies me. Have they not read the yoga sutras? Great post.

    • Jade Lizzie

      Haha, it wasn’t yoga as I know it, that’s for sure! šŸ˜‰ Hope you’re well Lucy – would love to catch up at some point x

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