Jade Lizzie

Sharing the yoga love

About Me

I am a 500 hour Yoga Alliance certified teacher living in Nottingham, with experience teaching classes, workshops and retreats all over the world.

I graduated in 2016 from Frog Lotus Yoga International’s Advanced Yoga Teacher Training and in 2018 from Forrest Yoga‘s Advanced Teacher Training. These have both inspired my yoga teaching, and I aim for a style which is non-dogmatic, playful and nourishing for body and mind.

My Personal Journey with Yoga

Yoga was a game-changer for me, at a time when I was going through a lot of challenges (if you read back through old posts on this blog, you’ll see me working through many of these – writing was then, and is still now a form of therapy I value greatly). Yoga and meditation gave me a space to become fully present, connected with my body and immersed in the beauty of movement and breathing.

There have been times when I’ve practised a huge amount of yoga and taught it as my “full-time job”, and times when it’s played more of a supporting role in my life. But it has always been there, and I’m so grateful for that.

Many of us have little opportunity in our daily lives to take our focus inwards, and explore without judgement whatever comes up. Yoga can provide that. If you come and join me for a yoga class or a yoga workshop, you’ll see that this is what I aim to offer – a space where you can, in your own time, grow in confidence, strength, openness and self-acceptance.

My Yoga Classes

Most of the time I teach vinyasa yoga, a style in which you flow from pose to pose in a dynamic, fluid sequence, connecting movement with breathing. I integrate Forrest-inspired yoga elements into my classes, particularly the emphasis on deep core strength and using the breath to feel into postures.

I also teach yin yoga on occasion, a very different practice that was my first yoga love.

It is a privilege to watch students as they grow in confidence, strength, openness and self-acceptance. Follow meย on Instagram: @jadelizzie


  1. Charlotte

    Hi Jade, I have just discovered your blog and it is fantastic! I have a few questions regarding yogi travelling if you would kind enough to answer. Do you have an email address?



    • Hi Charlotte,
      So glad you like the blog ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m emailing you now, so fire away!
      -Jade x

  2. Adrien

    Hey Jade,

    Great blog! Really into your writing style.
    I’d like to ask you about your experience working at Original Surf Morocco.
    Is there an email address that I could message you at?


    • Jade Lizzie

      Sorry Adrien, just saw this – too late as we’ve already chatted on social media! Glad you like the blog and hope your time at OSM goes really well if you so decide to go for it! Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚ x

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