Is there anything wrong with telling the odd white lie? I wrote my last blog about how I’m trying to minimise the lies I tell, but I’m still working this one out…

Here I’m talking specifically about the white lies you tell to protect someone’s feelings. The “Your new haircut looks great,” or “No, I didn’t think the cake tasted burnt,” or “I loved the present you chose for me,” kind of lies.
A quick Google search reveals this is a polarising issue (yes, I use the internet as my moral compass. And what?). Some people believe that protecting someone’s feelings is paramount, while others take a more hardline approach. They believe that all lying is bad because it presents the recipient with a false or distorted representation of reality.
I can see where this comes from, but I also know that some of the most hurtful things I’ve ever heard came from someone who was “just being honest”. Surely when honesty becomes an excuse for cruelty, something has gone very wrong.
What does yogic philosophy teach us about lies?
In terms of the yogic principles I try to live by, ahimsa, or non-violence comes before satya or truth. Therefore it is as important not to do harm with your words as it is to be truthful. Perhaps my Nana was onto something all along when she told us, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”
It’s also worth remembering that your opinion is not the same as the truth. My opinion might be that you shouldn’t have cut your hair, but that’s not to say that this is true. It’s just my perception, based on my personal preferences, experience and ideas. Is my opinion in this case particularly useful to you? No. So maybe I don’t need to share it.
If someone directly asks you what you think of something, particularly if it’s something personal to them, it’s worth trying to work out what they want from you. Are they actually asking for your opinion or just looking for affirmation that they are good enough? Once you know that, you can figure out how best to support them with your answer.
That’s not to say that you should never speak the truth for fear of hurting someone. Sometimes it is important to give someone constructive feedback for example. But I do think this can be given with sensitivity and kindness if the ultimate intention is to help them.
So where does this leave us with white lies?
I’m still working this through, but I reckon if you are tempted to tell a white lie or avoid the truth, consider…
- Is it necessary to say anything at all?
- Can you find something to say which is both honest and kind?
- What will ultimately help the person most in this situation?
I don’t know who said this originally, but it’s always struck me as good advice…
“If you have to choose between being kind and being right, choose being kind and you will always be right.”
Suzie Collins
I shall use that quote, well said again Jade. x
joe hannigan
When describing,complimenting or insulting others recalll the maxim “de gustibus non est disputandem”..or speak Klingon,niece!
Haha, Klingon could definitely work…
I loved your previous post about lies and truth. Very insightful. It also lead to an emotional impact upon the reader. On the white lies one I have to say, we are not neutral beings. While it makes sense to be as truthful as possible, we cannot avoid providing a distorted view of reality, precisely because we cannot see things fully all the time. Who knows, perhaps we should not aim for perfection? Perhaps this is a side of ourselves we should just accept as it is? Just some thoughts really..
Thanks for your thoughts and I’m glad you liked the lies and truth post 🙂 I think there are times when people justify saying something hurtful because they are “just telling the truth”, when actually it is helpful to remember there is a difference between “the truth” and our opinion, exactly as you so rightly say. I don’t see it so much as aiming for perfection – more acknowledging our own subjectivity, and prioritising kindness?